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How E-cigarettes Hurt Gums and Teeth

Smokers have long known the effects of tobacco on teeth and gums. Tobacco can stain teeth yellow or brown even with regular brushing habits. It’s no surprise e-cigarettes have become a popular smoking alternative since they do not cause stains like tobacco. Yet vaping causes a different set of oral health problems many are not aware of. If you vape visit the Brambleton dentists of Loudoun Family Dental to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy.


The Effects of Nicotine From Vaping

Even though e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco like regular cigarettes they still have nicotine. This ingredient causes harm to all parts of your mouth. Dry mouth from vaping can make it hard for your body to naturally clear out bacteria, leading to tooth decay. The two biggest concerns are gum disease and bruxism.

Nicotine from vaping causes gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. Early symptoms include bleeding gums and bad breath. Gum recession from infection may be hard to spot since nicotine can reduce blood flow to the area. The gums won’t appear swollen so it is hard to tell they are actually inflamed from disease.

Since nicotine is a muscle stimulant conditions like bruxism, the grinding of teeth, can become worse when vaping. Grinding can occur while awake or asleep. You will need our professional dentists to monitor your teeth to see if there is evidence of grinding damage.

Treating Dental Problems From Vaping

Loudoun Family Dental has many preventive and restorative dental procedures to keep your mouth healthy. We have all the latest dental technology to monitor the health of your teeth and gums. Whether you are experiencing bruxism or have a constantly dry mouth, our family dentist in Brambleton will find the right diagnosis and treatment plan for you.