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Part 3 of a 3-Part Series

Teeth fixed with s screw

A More Integrated Approach to Cosmetic Change

The Magic of Orthodontics: The “Original Smile Makeover” as we’ve called it, is the most, and may be the only effective means of correcting teeth in poor position. Orthodontics is the specialty in dentistry concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of malocclusion. Using a variety of 21st century techniques, including traditional “braces,” clear aligners and more, orthodontics allows movement of teeth into correct and functional positions. This either improves cosmetics and function (your bite) by itself or lines the teeth up properly for restorative dental techniques discussed above.

Cosmetic Options for Replacing Missing Teeth

There is nothing more devastating to a smile than lost or missing teeth. There are multiple ways today to replace missing teeth both functionally (biting, chewing, speaking and laughing) as well as cosmetically.

Dental implants are perhaps today’s ultimate tooth replacement systems providing “stand alone” teeth, unconnected to other teeth. While a dental implant replaces the root of a tooth, the crown atop the implant (the tooth you see in your mouth) is an exact replica of a natural tooth. Therefore implants provide for cosmetic tooth replacements, emerging through the gum tissues just like natural teeth, and can be made to match the neighboring teeth exactly. You’d never know they’re not your own, then again — they are.

Changes to your smile are truly cosmetic, and as we have illustrated, your dentist can play a huge part in providing the smile that you love. The biggest part is not just how your smile looks, it’s how you feel when you show it. Even if you smile when you’re on the telephone, you will touch the person on the other end of the line.

When you are ready to get started on your new smile, give Loudoun Family Dental a call to schedule your comfortable and convenient appointment.